
“Alternative format” refers to a book that has been converted from st和ard print (e.g., hardcover or paperback) to digital text, audio, large print, or braille. Receiving a book in an alternative format is an accommodation that is determined during the registration process at the 学生访问中心. The appropriate format(s) are determined between the 学生访问中心 director/coordinator 和 the student at the time of registration with the 学生访问中心.

Not all students, however, qualify for alternative formats. Eligibility for the accommodation of alternative format for required print materials is dependent on the nature 和 impact of a student’s disability.




也被称为电子文本或文本, 数字文本通常出现在文字处理器中, 网站, PDF阅读器, 电子书(e).g., Word, TextEdit, Explorer, Adobe Reader等.). Digital text can be read aloud via speech synthesis by a variety of devices, 软件程序, 和应用程序. 免费的 文本转语音技术(PDF) 是可用的. The 学生访问中心 supports textbooks in digital text format through our 自助服务(PDF)Bookshare (PDF) 选项.




Books in audio format are recorded via synthetic speech or human narration. 学生 listen to audio files on laptops or mobile devices. 免费的技术是可用的. The 学生访问中心 supports textbooks in audio format through our MP3 (PDF)学习联盟(PDF) 选项.




学生 with low vision or blindness may prefer to receive their materials in large print or braille. The 学生访问中心 will coordinate this service on an individual basis.

选择格式 Accommodation Student Responsibilities

The student will be responsible for collaborating with the 学生访问中心 to ensure they request alternative formats in a timely manner. 另外, the use of an alternative format of a textbook requires that the student complies with certain copyright restrictions. 学生职责包括:

  • Request your required texts as soon as the student’s Fall/Spring course registration is confirmed. Acquiring textbooks in an alternative format is time-consuming 和 labor-intensive. Requests must be made 4 weeks prior to the date needed to ensure the most timely availability.
  • 提交一份单独的 其他格式申请表格(PDF) 对于每门课程. All textbook information must be provided before we can process a request.
  • Notify the 学生访问中心 within 24 hours of knowing a change in your schedule or required materials.
  • Purchase required textbooks from the University Bookstore or online vendor. If a digital version of a book 是可用的 at point of purchase, please contact the 学生访问中心 before purchasing it. A staff person will confirm that the digital format is accessible (e.g.,语音合成可读).
  • Show proof of purchase by bringing your receipt to the 学生访问中心 or emailing a photo/scan of the receipt to Dawn Jewett (djewett2@wolaipei.com). Proof of purchase is required before we can process your request.
  • Destroy all alternative format books at the end of each semester: If you are provided with your book on CD, 归还给学生访问中心. If your book was downloaded to a device, delete it from your system.


Once the 学生访问中心 receives your request form 和 proofs of purchase, we’ll begin the search for your textbooks in an alternative format. The 学生访问中心 uses a combination of strategies to provide you with your books in an efficient 和 timely manner. To that end, we’ll typically search for the book in alternative format in the following order:

  1. Bookshare 和 Learning Ally: UNE has institutional memberships in these organizations. Both provide books in alternative format: Bookshare books are in digital text format 和 Learning Ally books are in human-narrated audio format. Both services require special (but free 和 easy to use) technology. This is an efficient process because books are downloaded online.
  2. Manually convert books to digital text or audio formats: This process is the most labor-intensive 和 time-consuming. The 学生访问中心 scans books to digital text 和 MP3 audio. The amount of time needed depends on the size of the textbook 和 how quickly it is received from the publisher.

The 学生访问中心 will make every effort to provide you with your preferred option. In many cases, however, a book may be available through only one source. Technical assistance 和 training on using the technology associated with each source will be provided as staff time permits.